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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  October 18, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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a.. gay teenager... is pttacked... on... an... tonight... the teen's pother... fearr for her
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daughter's....welll eing. the beating... appened ... as... the bus... was traveling down... north thiss.. week,... the - m-t-a... released piccuress.. of he individuals.... they believe... are responsible... in... the assault....// we... mothee .... a... few hoors agg.../ . she... pells us... that her crying... from the bus.../ yelling for help. 13::1:15 while she was beinn beaten she was calliig me on the phone and i as just she ssid nooone was heeping her :23 ddd... eventually... pull -ove teen... to et off the bus...///. as... part... of their investigaiton...//// , m-t-a.... police... re hell...///. if... ou - recoggize... the suspects... we showed you,.../ m-tta... ppliie... aae... asking you to contact them. cameras... will soon... reccrd... our aboard... a bus...// bus...//. and your every . word..... jeff abell ii northhbaltimore... shoos us wwy this has many ppopll shaking theii heads, jeff.... 3 here at the bus ssop, riders camreraa thht are mounted
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onboard the bus..... hey 3o....and now they're - already ten busesshave been equipped wwth the new vvdeo anddauuio systems. y next &psummer haaf the fleet wwll have thhmm by recording both video and audio, the m-t-a believes hey'll help combat crime.... but privacy advocates havv real (15:21:00) "i think that public transit riders as a condition of riding a y - &pthhs ssstem forces them to o" (14:22:24) "our goall here is toonot infringe on anyones privacc but to provide pollce and passeegers with additional information that can help police resolve crimes should one occur." p3 a sign on boarr the buses alerts riders thht their video ann audio s being recorded. but some lawmakers believe the mta is ooer-stepping the
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law....and lan to bring it beforr the legislaaure next &pyear. live in north baltimmre, 'm jeff abell, fox p5 news at fiie. phat brings us to our question of the youuthink &precordiig audio offmta passengers is appropriate? go to fox-baltimore doo com &pand tell us what you think. yyu cn also sound off thrrugh pacebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimmree and yyu can text your answer to 45203. enter fox45a foo yee.. or fox45b for no. paltimoreecountt olice need your helppin finning a murder suspect darryl anderssn is tee bee's bar on daalington drive in parkville. police say he shot errrik amble inside a ar innthe parking pot.they've issued a warrant charging hhm with murddr. caal police. metal detector wands made their debut in all ballimmre ccunty schools this morning. the hand heed metal dectors will only be used if there iss something isn't right. that & righttbaltimoor county poliie
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chief jim johnson says this technology has been successffl at otter schools across the nation....they're ven beeng primary purpose here... is to this year... thhre have been three gun related inciients in "i've ever een nerrous to o to school but i have been lately, i hink will this person brrng a gun to school, will this person go ff the deep end""as many gunssi've seen in baltimore county, i think this is a good thiin" metal decttrs... there are nd extra officers clocking in at schools.that's in addition to thh chool resourse officer... that each school already hhs. eeght... more... doctors... ppaying... a rooe... in... pmplanting... unnecessary... heart sttnts... in... patiiets... at... saintt.. joseph medical c. center.a.... towson firm... filed... the new ccaims... wednesday... &ppeople...//.saiit ...
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josephhs... has been involved... ii leggl battles... p since 2009../ . when ... r.... mark midee... stents... in... hundreds of patients ...who didn't... need them....// moss... of... the doctors... nnmed in the new batch oo comppaints... accuued offperforming.. phe surgeries.../ performing... the medicall that... justified them...///. the... hospital saas... it's reviewing tte complaints. anne arundel county... is making a pledge this d... to eimburse the counny... for legal fees.../ if... a ruling ...goes againss him... in a ccvil casse../.aa.. former county employee... is suing leopold... claiming... he....fired her... aater she complainee... thaa he madd... in... a ..// statement wednesday.../ leopold said he ii dismissed. heecase will be new help for people ho couud pose homes due to inaccurate waterrbills. the city council poday to keep some homes with diulenquenn water tabs off the auction list. the new proceeures adopted duuing city council hearing will prevent finance officials ffom placing homes on an
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homeowners can alsooget more qe time if they have ssheduled a hearing to dispute a bill. it's a new set of protectiins says will insure residents won't llseetheir hhme ecause the city made a mistake. 11::1::7"with all the problems weehad with water billlng, we cannot puu house into taxxsale just because of water bill phat haven't ggtten straiggtened out" &pouu"the finance departmentt says the new rules will go into effect today the battll over same sex &pmarriagehas intensified...wit morr and more commercials...trying to influence votersbeeorr they november.but... as... john rydell reports.../ tte... cleegg... remain... deeply dividdd... over tte issue... issue... p(rydell))..members of the on all voters withinnmaryland -
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to do that which ii ighh." it's aagroup that includes pastorr...a rabbi... even a nunn(shepherd) "i am brothees have been treated as society.""as a pastor, my n our suuport for uestion 6 is pooted in my belief that the goverrment should treat everyooe eeually."some pasttrs have takkn to the airwaves. their message...the rellgious institutions... to perform same sex marriages....if that's against... teir beliefs. but other ccergy mmmbers re against... question six.their view....arriage s sacred union...onlyy..between a man...ann a wommn. (mccoy) "the uniqqennss of marrraae, why it's special to societt &panddreally hy we can all lov
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question 6 admit they till face an uphill baatlebut parishoners who areestill conflicted over same sex marriage to conssder this a matter of fairness. innnorth ballimore, john rydell, fox45 news at five." 3 opposing maryland's sameesex new campaignncommerccal. &pcoomercial. the ad is paid for by the maryland marriage alliaane shoos video of angela mccaskill.shh's the unnverssty diversity officcr removed from petition tooput he same-sex school says the ad vvolates he - copyright aws... but the marriage alliance sayssit &phasn't eceived a formal complaint and has no intention of taking the ad down. same sex marriagg will be the ttpic of the next fox44 town watch it live... by going and... clicking onn.. town . - hall... in topics
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section...//.you... can go there now... to... watch past... townnhall meeetngs... p on... ttxes... and the maryland dream act. how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?brandi proctor has our traffic dgeereport. report. mapfiber liberryshawan ap395 3 3 fouu childree and one adult tonight at 5:30.../.
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what... thh father... of the one... of theevictims had to say. dramatic video of a state tropper dodging a car crashh.. the officer has dodged death. scammerssgo after people... computers.the fake anni-virus software that'ssmakinggthe rounds. 3 &p--adblib weather z-- how does it brew such great coffee? well, inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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i've always been lucky. flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around, and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message. f-b-i agents and new york city plot to blowwup the federal reserve bbilding in manhattan. manhattan.authorities ttokk 21-year-oll quazi nafis into
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custody wedneeday.police say hh tried to use a cell hone to blow up what he thought wws a one-thousand-pounddbomb hidden inssde a van. the sussect allegedly told desttoy ammrica by going after - the naaion's inancial he saiddnew yyrk is the op of the terrorist targee list in this country and this just reafffrms that." that."nafis s from bangladesh statessonna studeet visa. military target innbaatimore was originally on his list, but the idea was scrapped. nafis is charged witt pttempping toouse a weapon off a... mmterial &p caaght... oo camera... in florida. it... wwsn't... adam races....// so... he decided... to make video... shows him - ...boltinn thru... the doors... and... down the halllay ..../ deputtesschase after áhimssefá... on charges &. -
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...of... making... a falle police report....// but... when thh judge... seetenced himmto probation,.../ he had other plans. raicies says: freeeom. im noo being harassed bb the police no more. im standinn my pround. 3 adam ...made it aaroos the courthouse... caught.. / a... tampa police officer... was injured during the struggle...//. two... days later, ... court... to face new charges, ../ including battery... of a police pesisting arrest. one... washington... state trooper ...doos it again../ &p . cheating death... not once,... but twic. pwice.trooper .. .michael porter ...flirting with death.../ and... it's... caught on dashcam camera....// porter.. seen here.. was... helping a driver... who lost slid into a ditch...//.juut... about... to put some flarrs ...out behind the ssene... / walking back to his cruiser../ . a... arge vehicle... came pt... him... at an alarmmngg high speed...//.he reacts.... in a split second... and gets 33-37"i looked up and observed
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towards meein my irection at speed.""0-44"the onny real thought it my mind was run and don't slip." slip.""he trooper's... firrt... nnar-death eeperience... waa n the side pf a local highway....///hee was arrrsting... a... drunkkdrivvr.... wwen. ..another car... slammed into his patrol vehicle../ car... into him nd his suspect. plan to ecord video and audio iiprove security but some say - aad its our question of the day. you think its appropriate tt record mta passengers? lot of response go... to... fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us....what you think.../. sound... off... hrr... us... a tweet.. at your answer o p fox45a for 3 nasa .... gettingginto the injurr reeab
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technology used on astronauts is beiig ussd. an attempted carjacking goes bad for the would-be thief... the mechanical apppication he wasn't counting on. 3 &pp-adbllbb eather tz--
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this next video... jjst might have you shaking your head!a would-be carjackinn suspect... pets quite the surprise while &ppn the iddle of his crime. see theesuspect... showing... what álooksá... a gun... aa a maa... in a pickup truck..../ &pthe ... victim gets out... nd goes beeinn the truck ...and... lys down...//.then... thh... crook... tries to make a getaway.../ but ... diin't... count on the truck.... eing a stick hift!
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so... he timess../ then.. just bails... on the whhle mission. -- rract to tory -- sunny and coole earlier but a pave some rain ii tteet we foreeast...chief meteerologist vytas reii... "we love fox 45!" 3
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the next step in pressurr by wayyof social a fake anti-virus software... tarreting americans.thh one tting to looo ouu for... when &pseaahing tte web. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. earning 1% cash back as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6. middle-aged...
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uu... on... multi-vitmains../- because... a... new study ssys...// could help... prevenn cancer. cancer.ressarchers... followed... 15-hundrre centrum silverr../ he... other half... took a placebo.../.thee... percent....reduction in cancers....//they... also say the men in the ssudy... were generally heelthy ... aad... didn't smokee aa.. achine ...designee to help... p is... - helping patients... reeover the... "alter-g"... anti-gravity treadmilll.. ps... helping patients... with... orthopedic injuries... get their stride back.../. it's... a treadmilll ..which alters the paring down... on your joiits... from full force... to... 28-- percenn....// patients...
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zip... themselves intooit../. and... their weight.../ fills with air.../ thenn... they're ready to go. the... alter--... is covvred by some insurance prooiders.../ . ass.. long as ...theedoccor ...prescriied... physical therapy. internet security experts re warning consumers... abouu a spike in áfakeá anti-virus soft. poftware.thhy saa it can pilentll inntall itself on a to keep youu computer safe... e& avoid anything that redirects you to a new website... and asks for a credit carddnumber po fix the so-called prrblem. p3-35"nowaaays it's gotten loo worse becauseecyber- developed elaborate graphical &puser-interfaccs to mimic thii" things."to avoid etting tripped up by such a scam ii the first lacee have safe wee browsing in place, as well as web filtering sscurity protection to blockkmaliciouu websitess a... brazilian retailer... is... using clothing.... 3
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each hanger innthe new c&a collection has number.... nd number of ikes each article of clothiigghhs received on their faceeook'' real time.... so ssoppers can see the most popular items while thee're in the store. the idea 33&"when a woman is at a store ccoosing clothes, she needssa second opinion, its boosts pave the opinioo of millions o of people." peoppe." &p3 &pright now, c&a is thh onny retailer using this facebook ccncept. they've rolled it out in 5 stores in brazil, aad they're usinn it to sell a collection created by supermodel gisele bundchen. an llerlyycouple from grandson ii custody and back in the stateethe medical four children and one adult -- are laid to rest today afttr a fire claims heir lives... whaa...
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the father... of the one... offthe victiis had to say. 3 --adblib weather tzz-
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hundred and eighty million dollars for maryland schools. that's a lot of money. my classroom. games and a new casino for maryland. million more for education every year. the money goes where it's supposed to. it's the law. this is about our kids. this is about better schools. seven. i'm voting for question seven. i'm voting for question seven. a... gay teenaaer...
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is... attacked... in baltimore city..../ t... happened... on... an... m-t-a buss.../ bus..../ the teen's mothee is pn ddsbelief tonight after she &psays the driver did nothing t helppher child. crime and justice reporter joy lepoll joins us to explain how it's not the teen '' mother toniigt wanting answers. in trying to determine whether it was the teen's sexual orientation that led to this assault.... today pictures ere released of two young men. takkea look... ttese imaaes were captured just moments before theetwo suspectssexited the bus.the teenns motter says the driver allowed the wo to attack hee daughter and did nothiig to stop was only police were notiiied of


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